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tv   Countdown With Keith Olbermann  Current  March 15, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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stock, she will leave once again for another deadly journey back to the heart of panama city. you are the exact opposite. count down is next! seamus lives and the santorum inn votes the late romney dog. >> i will be honest being saying what the heck was he thinking putting the dog on the too much the roof. >> two words, michael vick. the planned parenthood sound bite lives as well. >> planned parenthood going to get rid of that. another walk back, planned painedmarijuana hood is a private organization, i want to agreed writ of their funding. >> pride en on the bail out. >> the president and i made a bet. a simple bet, we bet on you.
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>> carney on the rumors of a release from the strategic petroleum reserve. >> that report is false. >> the plus the oil future's market we action to that report tells you all you need to know. unless you are mit romney. >> gas prices are ridiculous. up more than 30% in the past month and every day americans are paying a price for this, do you hold press obama responsible? >> absolutely. >> bill, with can you give the governor your reminder again. >> the next time he hear a poll singe say he or she will bring down oil prizes, understand it's complete b.s. >> the war on well almost literal life. the 2012 republican bid to kill the 19 1994 by part an vie reps against women act and the governor's incredible quote about the en kreud incredibly invasive things he wants to do. >> i'm not making anybody watch
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it, you just have to close your eyes . >> julius cesar was really a sit naturalled on on this date. this president owes that president an apology. >> one move predecessors, rutherford b. hayes reportedly said about the telephone it's a great invention, but who would ever want to use one? [laughter] >> that is why he's not on point rushmore. >> no. never happened. >> sorry. my bad. >> good evening, this is thursday, march 15 account, 237 days until the 2012 presidential election. rick santorum campaign fog the loslatino vote which mitt romney may have already rost for the republicans.
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big labor's ear on his the campaign trail. while lbgt supporters wondering what about them. mitt romney coming off three fund-raisers wednesday start the morning in another most comfortable venue, fox news. >> i feel it i'm here with you. >> he's still trying to recover from his remarks tuesday of getting rid of planned parent. >> getting rid of plan party getting rid of that. >> now telling the chicago sun times in the second day of walking it back: i want to get rid of the federal funding of the planned parenthood. that is wildly incorrect. it was a misinterpretation of how much the cost of women's health care in texas comes from federal sources, about 90%. only a third of the national funding comes from all public funding combined. and all that money goes to planned parenthood's nonabortion services.
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on lighter subjects, romney also weighing in on a choice of his favorite chicago foods. which is his favorite? ribs, chicago style hot dogs or deep-dish pizza. he chose pizza. he has had too many problems already with dogs, especially shamus the family setter who spent 12 hours riding on the roof of the family situation wagon in 1983. the dog on the car roof story still proves his to be his critic's best friends. doubling down on his remarks on shamus, on the ride yesterday. >> look, i'll be honest we can the questionwithyou, what was he thinking putting a dog on the top of the roof. with thatth, you know, that that said, that is not the core issue of this payment pain, nor should it. >> noter iser but clearly photograph from peripheral. douglas gross noting it's another one of those things
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about mitt that sings other wordily. it seems abnormal and raises questions about who he is and whether he's one of us. and an anonymous romney adviser saying shamus is, quote, a pure negative. he add today for crying out lawsuit with 8.3% unemployment. if the dog defeats you you deserve to be defeated, his dog agreeing with that as well. >> it will come down to a question of whether the president understands how to get more jobs in our economy. >> the answer to that may be coming shortly. the labor department saying dropping by 14,000. while newt gingrich came up with a novel explanation for what i he's he's not dropping out of the race. >> i'm staying in the race because i want to see if i can't -- i want to see if we can't reset the whole race around the idea of really big ideas and really big solutions. >> he explained why his call for an idea driven campaign is not working. >> candidly my opponents can't comprehend it. >> rick santorum having problems
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understanding the us constitution after calling for puerto rico to say english was it's language saying it was required by federal law. not even close, he was in puerto rico today. puerto rico's representative pedro pierluisi not impressed with santorum's perspective. >> santorum's view is narrow and limiting view of what america is all about. >> of course mr. romney has his own problems with the latino hispanic vote. a recent poll showing president obama leading romney among latino voters by just 56 points, ram any campaigning in ricoh with a spanish language video ad voiced by his son craig: >> but with romney's call for ill legal immigrants to practice self deportation gop operative
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an a fa czar owe sayinganna nar czar owe czar owe navarro saying: also saying and doing president obama on the campaign trail in largo maryland and hearing an eco of 2008 as he touted his record on restoring the auto industry. >> those are the cars that we need to keep building here in the united states. >> yes, we can. >> yes, we can do that. [cheering and applause] >> vice president biden also campaigning and laying out the tickets philosophy for the united out ore workers in toledo. >> ours is one that values the workers and the success of a business. it values the middle class and the success of our economy. simply stated, we are about promoting the private sector, they are about protecting the privileged sector. >> all this after the aflcio formally announced it was endorsing the president, quote.
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>> talk about the economy and the unions in a bit. first for mere on the gop race and its problems with the latino vote and the vote of dog lovers everywhere i'm joined by williams the white house reporter from polight. >> good evening. >> santorums needs the delegates from puerto rico he goes there and says puerto rico needs to make english its principle language before the island is admitted with the state. which must be a dream he had, it has no bearing on constitutional law, was it ignorance or am i being too wondering if it was a shout out with the old one language contention? >> well, i would vote the latter. and the charitable way that i view this part of the day's events on the gop trail is he might have been thinking about
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citizenship tests, who knows. it's hard to get inside of his head. but certainly the political aspect of what he is saying he's in the talking to latinos he's talking to the base, he's still trying to prove his authenticity, even though that's been proven time and time again. but he's trying to get past the hump. he's trying to get over mitt romney and get by him and do whatever he needs to do and say. however, this on top of a fall, a winter of latino discontent with the republican party is not going to help matters very much with that part of the gop electorate. what it does do if you are in the white house is recipients eight anothercreateanother opening to woo the latino vote to try to get past some of the harsh things they have said about the obama administration in the last couple of years and mend fences. >> if this fashion latino poll is correct. the only wooing left is to try to get a unanimous vote in the president's favor.
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in this poll, ram any versus owe bomb, it's 70% obama 14% romney. and one member can operative told your organization, that that needs -- that number needs to be down. just a little bit. closer to 33 from 70. >> ever so slightly. >> for romney to have a chance of winning the election. how can he possibly close that gap? when what happens to him if if he doesn't? >> well, short of something drastic, like saying he's going to refund the california purchase, and give california back to mexico, it's going to be really hard to do. part of what his issue is, is the reflected glory, i don't know if you can call it that, of what the gop has done. we have talked about that a little bit. but also one of the things that they see as an ace in the hole is marco rubio, a lot of chatter about him being the possible v.i.p. pick, giving the romney campaign an injection of personality and also go aways towards making amends towards the latino vote but he has to
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get the no, ma'am neighborhood first. >> he also has a problem with rubio which we don't have time to get in to. but his whole story about his family coming overturns out to be inaccurate and might be padded to make himself look like he swam here when his parents came over well before the as it castro purge on the ground that island. everybody brings up and thinks i'm over doing it, i just think that if mitt romney is the nominee just from seeing what today david letterman has done to him relative to poor old the late lamented the shamus. >> barely knew you. >> his own iowa campaign chair from 2008 saying it makes him seem abnormal and other worldly. what other earth, short of bringing the dog back to life, can romney do to deal with this problem of shame us? >> paging steven king in pet december tear. >> i seriously. >> i was part of -- i was working for the boston globe when this story came up when
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romney was making his run in 2,008. that's how it was functioning and that's how it's been if you think is ever since. was to show that romly is a very clinical guy. a very problem solutions oriented person without a lot of sentimentality and that's exactly the point of the story. what's missing from the headline on that story, however, is the fact that shamus had some, shall we say intestinal discomfort. got taken down from the car, hosed off by the -- by mitt romney, put back on the car, and then had to endure another six hours up the road. so there is very little that do to overcome this short of adopting a pet or maybe getting a personality transplant which i don't think is legal in the states yet the fda hasn't approved it. >> he has a way to get over this. >> or he gets on top of a car driven by a dog and go from boston to toronto. michael vick, i'm not saying it's akin to what michael vick did with dog fighting and
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killing dogs in the fighting preparations, i'm not saying that, just saying the way dogs and the mistreatment of dogs stick to people. this could be extraordinarily important. >> it's very, very callus. and, again, it speaks to the fact that he's had trouble connecting anyway, and one thing that might help him get past this is if he had a coherent message because we still don't know exactly why mitt romney is running for president. what he is going do when he gets in office and why we should be excited about it. >> and are our dogs safe. joe williams political reporter covering the white house. thanks, joe. >> my pleasure. >> for more some of the hurdle the president has to overcome in the election campaign, joined by ben white the economy on morning monday reporting. >> thanks for having me. >> the news of the day about unemployment insurance applications down by 14 grand. is that another indication that unemployment is less of a knife pointed at the president and maybe a neutral thing as time goes forward?
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>> i don't know if i would go that far. it's maybe a slightly blunter knife at this point. i mean, it's still unemployment is still quite high but the trend is very good and often times it's the trend that matters for an incumbent think people think the job market is improving and prospects improving and tends to be more supportive of the person in offers. but you are right, on the unemployment claims number down to 351,000 that he's good number and the fact at that that it keeps going down is good means employers are hiring. and indicates probably another 200,000 plus job growth in the month of march. which puts on you a path to get not only below 8% unemployment by election day, but perhaps closer to seven, so the conventional wisdom was does obama get to 8% no incumbent wins above 8% and i think he will do that unless we have a crisis that is unforeseen. the question now is can he get to 7, or close to that's a good friend and helpful. >> the economy looks like a big plus in his favor if it's 7.
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my goodness. the president and vice president were doing two things, one of which was to try to takal bail out and sale that and the resuscitation of the auto industry, not something new but they really bolted this very hard. can they succeed this thing has been so demonized over the years, can they succeed in turning that into a campaign plus. >> i think they can in critical swing states you saw joe biden in ohio talking about the success of that mitt romney is on record in opposition allowing the auto companies to go into bankruptcy without any government help. the result would be liquidation and a a the loss of a lot of jobs that will be help in michigan which he will probably win high is much more difficult. but it's a plus if they didn't they wouldn't be hammering it like they are. even for independent voters in high or folks who lean right if they got their job saved by that bail out and that jeep plant didn't close in ohio because of that. that's a net positive and i think it's a reel problem for
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romney to try to explain to people why it is that he doesn't think that the auto companies should have gotten a little leg up going into a bankruptcy and coming out and thriving as they are now. >> and coming out of this also today would clearly they are taking the aflci on. endorsement which is hardly a surprise and running for that for much more than one would have thought 18 months ago yeah, they endorsed us, next question. that quote from biden simply stated we are about promoting the private sector, they are about protecting the privileged sector, is that the hook, is that the way they take the union endorsement and all the rest of it. >> that's the way they want to do it. so as not to scare off independence or be vulnerable to this pocket of the union bosses kind of argument. what they want on say is we are for a fair deal for people. unions often help provide that much happy to have union endorsements, we need their support and money going forward. we are not embarrass bide any that and it fits into the narrative which is mitt romney is a candidate wall street for the 1% for capital in general we are for the broader
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electorate for the people, for folks whose jobs were saved in this instance and who often depend on unions for support and keeping their jobs safe. i think they are not really frayed of that at this point. maybe you could have made the argument earlier that you don't want to be too in bed with unions, i don't think they care about that my more. they think it will be a help to them. >> ben white, economy and morning money reporter from. thank you, ben. >> pressure keith. >> if you want to know whether or not blaming wall street speculators for the spiraling cost for gas is correct or just an excuse, a report broke today that the president and british prime minister made a deal to release part of the petroleum reserve into the open mark, crude oil futures dropped to dollars a barrel here and four in the u.k. rumor wasn't true but the lesson was true and why did the report happen? did someone warn wall street drop the price or else sam cedar joins me next.
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the newest voice in cable news is on the new news network. >>it is an independent progressive voice and i love that. >>jennifer granholm joins current tv. a former two term governor. >>people like somebody who's got a spine. >>determined to find solutions... >>we need government to ensure that people have freedom. >>driven to find the truth... >>what's really going on? >>fearless, independent and above all, politically direct. >> today the average price of
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gallon was 30 cents below the highest price of 2008 in the waning months of the bush presidency. there was another rounds of attacks against the president over gas prices, one from a news article republican talking points and a candidate who only seems to speak in talking points. mitt romney was lobbed a softball and drove with it in one of his four cars. >> gas prices are ridiculous, up 30 cents in the past month and americans are paying the price for this. do you hold president obama responsible. >> absolutely. >> sigh. interviewer cannot claim ignorance what was on his channel in 2008. he left the news business to join fox in 2005 so would have heard these comments in 2008 about the president and the price of gas. >> and the facts are as you suggested, no president has the power to increase or to lower gas prices.
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those are market forces. >> yesterday royal hit a record high and politicians cannot do a thing about it. >> it really is tough as president, he really does not have any control what is going to happen with the markets and economy and with oil prices and supply and demand of gasoline, it is out of the president's hands. >> next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices, understand it is complete b.s. that's what the candidates should be saying. we need a candidate to be willing to explain dubious associations. >> today the president shot back at the gas policy of drill baby drill as been there done that. >> if you start hearing this drill baby drill drill drill drill, if you start hearing that again, just remember, you've got the facts. we're doing that. tell me something new. >> that something new happened
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at mid-day when reuters suggested the gas supply would unexpectedly grow and those manipulating the market panicked. a response to the report suggested an agreement had been reached for britain and the u.s. to release reserves. >> i can say very clearly that the report suggesting that any kind of an agreement was reached on a course of action with regard to those energy issues, that any agreement was reached with a time table associated with it, that report is false. it is not accurate. >> let's talk gas with the radio host of ring of fire and the majority report. good evening sam. >> good evening keith. >> when the reuters article came out, the crude oil futures dropped by as much as $4 on the british market, $2 a barrel on the u.s. market. does this tell us all we need to know about why gas prices are
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where they are in this country today? >> i think it comes pretty close. we know over the past 10-15 years the amount, the relationship between speculators and those people actually using the commodity of oil has basically flipped. it used to be 30% speculators 70% people actually going to use gas, now it's split 70% speculators and 30% people who are going to be using it. when the price gets on a run you see the speculators come in. this is exactly what's happening. i think there is some genuine crunches on supply, 700 million-barrels that have come off line because of refineries, but i think there's got to be a big percentage and we right field it today in speculators. >> if you're the president of the united states, and you're getting hammered over there and will continue to be hammered and clearly your approval rating has been hit and hit by republican
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candidates that ignore that little collection of thames, why not release something from the strategic reserve and dry the republican talking points. >> it's supposed to be for emergency. right now we're near capacity in the reserves, so releasing some to depress the price it's not unprecedented and probably wouldn't hurt but at least the threat that that could happen definitely helps. at the end of the kay this is actually not just political. this could really hurt the economy. we're still on a slow trajectory hopefully getting better and something like this, a sustained period of gas prices at this point could hurt the economy. >> let me put on my tin foil texaco hat. reuters used to have a reputation for being a little quick on the draw with news stories, source stories but not so much anymore not compared to
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the associated press or other international organizations. they've reearned their trust so a story like this that reports out of nowhere and goes away, suggests somebody is tampering with that market. is it possible that was a shot across the bow of wall street saying you're going to continue to drive the price up with speculation, what if we tap into the reserve the price would suddenly drop $4 a barrel for crude. >> i don't think that's out of bounds. i don't think your tin halt there. >> thank you. >> it makes sense. why not remind the markets that this is something that we may resort to? and it had that effect. it not only was a warning shot, but it actually, the prices went down very slightly, anyways. it's the functional equivalent of driving down the highway and someone's tailgating you and you
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turn on the lights so they back off. >> is it enough because they've never experience said a government that actually stood up to them to scare the speculator to throw this false flag out there. >> i think you could actually institute reforce on the commodities market now. that's a tin foil hat. >> we'll be happy to regulate the future moan with he won't make. >> right that would be something that nobody seems to be speaking about in any sort of polite quarters, i guess. you know, the idea that some of that reserve could be released and you could use your shirt and that's enough of a warning. >> we are the men of texaco, we serve from maine to mexico. >> the rights on women expanding tonight, the intrusive scan before abortions in virginia.
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>> the 44th president of the united states owes the 19th 19th president of the united states an apology or at least a phone call. first, the sanity break about political assassination. in 44b.c., there was a plot to kill caesar. he was stabbed. witnesses said when caesar recognized brutus he pulled his toga over his head so he wouldn't have to see him. i guess the romans did call march 15 the ides of march meaning the midpoint. while caesar instituted the modern calendar. it's pretty clear what was
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manner 15 would probably be march 14 today so this whole anniversary i'm talking about was yesterday. time marches on. >> we begin with penguins, a few buddies hanging out on a rock wearing their lance armstrong bracelets when one decides it's only big enough for two. down goes chilly willy. that's the way it is. >> we move to cats. i haven't seen a cat this happy since alice in wonderland. after watching dogs on t.v., the cat decided to fetch. she has picked up the whole panting thing. it's cute, but if she starts barking, you might want to get her checked out. time marches on. >> the war on women literally 18
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years ago congress passed the violence against women act by partisanly. today as it (vo) question: how do you say "500" in italian? stay tuned for the answer. brought to you by the 2012 fiat 500. visit i just got the popular girls from
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the local middle school to follow me around. ew. seriously? so gross. ew. seriously? that is so gross. ew. seriously? dude that is so totally gross. so gross...i know. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. used to be we socked money away
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and expected it to grow. then the world changed... and the common sense of retirement planning became anything but common. fortunately, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. take control by opening a new account or rolling over an old 401(k) today, and we'll throw in up to $600. how's that for common sense? >> who ever is behind the current war on women must think they're subtle. even they cannot consider opposition to the senate's violence against women act passed and reauthorized in 2000 and 2005 subtle. lawmakers defended it today republican senator joined six democratic senators urging swift passage of the bill. why is she almost alone on the
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right? jeff sessions raises the possibility: >> the senator from keebler's elf tree went on: >> janice shaw krauss are purring calling it: >> for all those unconcerned women of america wisconsin state representative donald pridemore co sponsor of a bill citing single parenthood as a cause of child abuse says regardless of domestic violence, couples should study their relationship before parting ways:
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>> joining me now molly thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> is there anything in this version of the violence against women act that was not there in 2005 2000, 1994 that allows for this kind of back lash from the right? >> there actually are several new provisions in here, new funding mechanisms that makes it in the i'd of some conservatives expansion of government. all of these are things that conservatives legitimately feel they can't support but accused of being against violence to women and that's a really tough spot for them to be in especially considering all of the other things we've had recently about contraception about abortion. they're worried that they're heading down this road where women will have a really hard time identifying with the
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republican party. >> what is the election strategy behind the positions you raise? how do they not lose one women's vote for every member they get going to the polls like this? >> the strategy is that they're freaking out behind the scenes about how bad this looks. this is not what they want the election to be about. my republican sources inside the campaigns and brain trust they don't want oh be having this litigation, they don't want to relit the culture wars and 19th century. they want to talk about the economy, whether gas prices or whatever else. there is among some republicans a very real concern that even if they are to act on their sort of sincerely held belief that this law is some over reach they can't do that without being painted anti women. >> obviously senator session he is and the national committee have nothing to do with the
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wisconsin proposed law. it's as if many of these state legislators are hearing these crazy ultrasound tests and all of that, what happened in pennsylvania in the last couple of case, ok, i'm going to propose my crazy ass idea. why go halfway. why not go back to the definition of women as property, or say you know, we really need to repeal that 19th amendment because it would be easier if only men got to vote. >> this is the problem that republicans have been worried about. really since 2010, since the rise of the tea party they've worried about being dragged in by this extreme fringe into issues they don't want to talk about, into a far right wing religion of the culture war making them look unreasonable, like a party of old white men and that's really not the election that they want to have because that is not a winning message for a party in 2012. >> how do you back out of, just take one part of it. how do you back out of the
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ultrasound thing at this late point in the game? >> we did see virginia governor bob mcdonald back out of it and say this is too far, i don't want to go that far. there is an opportunity for some republicans to look reasonable, moderate, to look mainstream by refeud 80ing this segment of the party. we're not seeing any republicans doing it. i talked to a lot of republicans within mitt romney's campaign or comporters of mitt romney so which he would have stood up to mitt romney and took a pass on that issue. >> maybe somebody will figure that out to the good answer to all the problems they've been having. thanks for your time and in sight tonight. >> as always, the forces of goodness prevail not because they are right or smart as because the evil forces are at their core morons. governor of pennsylvania seeking shame for women seeking abotherses that passed in virginia said something to
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